Welcome, Lightridge Chorus Families -
This is not how I envisioned the beginning of our time at Lightridge High School. The chorus room would have been filled with harmony, students would be sneaking snacks out of my office, and I would be distancing myself from your new drivers in the school parking lot. With all of the current uncertainties, I want you to know that my dedication to the work of serving your students will not change, no matter the circumstance.
As many of you know, building a strong relationship with the families of my students is a priority of mine. The Lightridge Sings Newsletter will share updates with you about the Lightridge Chorus Program!
Below is the Distance Learning Syllabus and helpful links for keeping updated.
Much of what I teach in chorus has to do with confidence. Your student needs space to be vulnerable while singing at home. They are used to singing in rehearsal with their classmates. Please encourage them how you see fit. You know your student best and know what environment at home will ensure their comfort when submitting recordings for chorus or singing during rehearsal.
support them in finding a space in your home where they can practice and perform freely
draw attention to their progress unless they are ready to share [both positive and negative attention can have them overthink]
Lightridge Chorus will be selling fundraising apparel from until October 1st! Visit the website through Cheer Sports to purchase apparel. All apparel will be personally delivered to your home by Ms. Karim [with a mask and 6-feet away of course]!
Parent involvement and support is vital for a successful opening and a thriving program. Do not hesitate to reach out to me anytime! I am blessed to be at Lightridge and cannot wait to see your students grow and experience high school. Go Lightning!
Socially Distant,
Helai Karim