February - 2025

Hello Lightridge Chorus Families -

This newsletter will share information regarding the upcoming Assessment Season. February and March are BUSY. Please make sure you have noted the changes in the assessment schedule listed below and other events coming up.

We will be hosting another open-mic at Lark Brewing on Thursday, February 27th from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM! We'd love for students and families to join us! Students [and/or parents] can sign-up here! This is an encouraged event, but not a mandatory one!

Assessment Information

Assessment Season is here! Your students have worked diligently for Loudoun County Choral Assessment. March will be the busiest month for Lightridge Chorus - and we thank you for all of your support leading up to the biggest performance of the year!

What is Choral Assessment? Assessment is an event where Lightridge Chorus will join the rest of Loudoun County Chorus Departments and perform for a panel of judges. The judges will rate our groups on our musicianship and literacy. This educational experience helps us grow as a department and gives us feedback on how to improve. This event is comparable to SOLs. Here are the details:

Please be aware of these dates:

Assessment rehearsals

Rehearsal - B Day Classes

  • Tuesday, March 4th, 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM

    • Lightridge Singers [4:30 - 5:15]

    • Select Treble [5:15 - 5:45]

    • Bass [5:45 - 6:15]

Rehearsal - A Day Classes

  • Wednesday, March 5th, 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM

    • Lightridge Chamber [4:30 - 5:00]

    • Select Bass [5:00 - 5:30]

    • Treble [5:30 - 6:00]


Pre-Assessment Concert

Wednesday, March 5th, 7:00 PM

Pre-Assessment concerts are for a final practice before Assessment. Students are to report to the Lightridge Auditorium at their designated rehearsal times. If they have no ride they are welcome to stay after school. IF they are staying after school they must have their uniform to change into. Dinner will be provided. The concert starts at 7:00 PM and will end around 8:30 PM. We will be joined by Willard Chorus students for this event.

  • Dinner is provided from 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM. Students can only get pizza if they are dressed in concert attire. Pizza will be provided in the cafeteria.

Jason Max Ferdinand Clinic w/ Lightridge Chamber

Thursday, March 6th, 6:00 PM

  • at Alexandria City HS - we will leave as soon as school is over - we get back around 11:00 PM - yes it’s a late night

  • students will be provided dinner [Chik-fil-A] prior to our departure

  • students should wear Lightridge Chorus merch for this performance

  • students in Lightridge Singers are welcome to join us and observe

Select Treble and Select Bass


Thursday, March 13th, 6:45 PM

  • at Briar Woods HS - we will leave at 6:45 PM - we get back around 10:00 PM - yes it’s a late night

  • Class Helpers will attend these performances.

  • Bus leaves Lightridge at 6:45 PM. EVERYONE takes the bus. NO exceptions.

Treble and Bass


Friday, March 14th, 1:15 PM

  • at Briar Woods HS - we will leave at 1:15 PM - we will get back around 5:00 PM - yes it’s during the school day

  • Class Helpers will attend these performances.

  • Bus leaves Lightridge at 1:15 PM. EVERYONE takes the bus. NO exceptions.

    lightridge chamber and lightridge singers


    Sunday, March 16th, 7:00 PM


    • Assessment will be at Lightridge HS!

    • Arrive by 7:00 PM - we will start at 8:00 PM - we will be done by 9:00 PM!

All families completed Permission Slips for Assessment and the Jason Max Ferdinand Clinic at the beginning of the year! Let me know if you have any questions about these events! Please check to make sure your student’s uniform is ready to go as well for these upcoming performances.


Helai Karim Rutan

January - 2025

Lightridge Chorus -

Happy New Year! I hope everyone has enjoyed the snow days This newsletter will share information regarding second-quarter grades, Course Selections, the Lightridge Singers - Lightridge Chamber Assessment Clinics, and the Boosters Meeting. Here is a link to our Winter Concert! Thank you to all of you who attended and for your support! At a glance:

  1. Monday, January 13th - Friday, January 24th: Chorus Assassin is back and better than ever! Registration is here with more information.

  2. Thursday, January 16th: All-District Chorus Virtual Rehearsal for those it applies to. More information regarding All-District Chorus will be sent in another email to families of students who have been accepted.

  3. Friday, January 17th: Senior Photos will be taken in the Chorus Room during FLEX FRIDAY from 12:30 - 1:30 PM. All seniors will be in the group banner.

  4. Friday, January 17th: Men’s Chorus Invitational at Dominion HS [Permission Click] for those it applies to. Complete ASAP! Rescheduled due to snow days.

  5. Tuesday, January 28th: Lightridge Singers Assessment Clinic from 1 PM - 4 PM [Major Summative]

  6. Thursday, January 30th: 8th Grade Night - sing the National Anthem with 8th Grade chorus students from Willard Middle School. 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM.

Second Quarter Grades

All grades are up to date at this time for Lightridge Chorus students. Students will be receiving a Major Summative Grade reflecting their cumulative Formal Formative Grades for Rehearsal Skills on the last day of the quarter. This grade will indicate the sum of all of the formative grades combined. Students have until January 24th to submit their 2nd Quarter Sight-Reading Factory assignments. I have them marked as “missing” to show students the impact it will have if they do not complete it. We will have an individual recording assignment due in preparation for assessment season. If you or your students have any concerns regarding their grades, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!

Assessment Clinic - Tuesday January 28th

The Lightridge Singers will be participating in an assessment clinic on Tuesday, January 28th from 1 PM - 4 PM. This clinic will include music educators from Northern Virginia who can specifically assist our singers with vocal technique as we prepare for our assessment season. This change was made due to availability of clinicians. This will serve as a Major Summative assessment for the students. Students in Lightridge Chamber will have their Assessment Clinic on Sunday, February 2nd from 4 PM - 7 PM. This will be a highlight shared in the February Newsletter.

Course Selections

Course Selections for high school are fast approaching. As students continue on or are embarking on the beginning of high school, it is important to consider the benefits of performing arts electives. Please make sure your student has chorus on their Course Requests!

  1. Music courses help students create diversity for their college applications. Creativity is valued in the college acceptance process. A sequential music elective also showcases long-term commitment, diligence, and responsibility. Students utilize these skills in all aspects of their lives. How will your students’ college applications differ from other students in Loudoun County?

  2. Employers hire creative team workers who stand out. The first question asked in many interviews is, “Tell me about yourself?” Does the candidate showcase unique perspectives and skills that can benefit the company? Employers want candidates who are masters in their content knowledge but also excel in skills like communication, listening, critical thinking, and problem-solving - all of which are taught in fine arts.

  3. Honors Music becomes an option for students in high school. The purpose of the honors music option is to challenge students to participate in a diverse spectrum of pre-approved musical activities to enrich their overall musical understanding and provide deeper learning. Successful completion of these requirements will result in an additional 0.5 credit for the chorus class your student is already in.

  4. Students can continue to be a school community. The continuation of growing musical skills will result in more performance opportunities, advanced courses, and new repertoire. As your child gets older, they will have more space in their schedule for additional electives closer to the end of their high school career. Their junior and senior year is a great time for their transcript to incorporate additional interests your student has. Please also consider your student completing a course through Virtual Loudoun during the school year for no cost.

If you or your student has any questions about this process - please do not hesitate to reach out to me!


Helai Karim Rutan

November and December - 2024

Hello Lightridge Chorus Families, 

Happy Holidays! Your students are excited to share their Winter Concert music and are working hard to perfect their music as we gear up for concert season.

It will be a busy season leading up to our performances for you all - so here are some updates and reminders:

Winter Concert

Our upcoming concert is on Wednesday, December 4th at 7 PM in the Lightridge Auditorium. Below is the schedule for the concert day and the rehearsals the day before. Rehearsals, including those in class, will be minor summative assessments and the concert is a major summative assessment.

Lightridge Singers with Loudoun Symphony Orchestra

The Lightridge Singers will be performing with the Loudoun Symphony Orchestra on Sunday, December 8th at 4 PM! Students who will be singing in this concert will have a 1 PM call time to school and the concert will be done by 5 PM! This is a graded major summative assessment for students in Lightridge Singers.

Tickets - Students will have seats and tickets for the concert.

Ticket prices are $35 for adults, $30 for seniors, $15 for students, and FREE for children 12 and under.  Students will receive a 20% discount on tickets which can be used for two tickets per singer.  For the discount, please order in advance by using promotional code LRSINGER24.  They will sell out so purchase as soon as possible!

London - December 2025

The deadline to register for our trip to London in December 2025 has been extended to Tuesday, December 3rd! This trip will be an opportunity of a lifetime. Read the information below:

Click on the image to see more information and be able to click on the links. 

October - 2024

Hello, Lightridge Chorus Families -

This newsletter will have information regarding our Fall Concert, All-County Chorus, All-District Chorus Auditions, and our mandatory fundraiser day details on Saturday, November 9th from 11 AM - 3 PM. We are looking to do a final push for family sponsorships of the chorus program this year! Please use this form to help sponsor Lightridge Chorus! All donations are tax-deductible!

Information regarding London December 2025 will be coming shortly - we are still waiting on final approval from LCPS Risk Management with the details of the contract with our travel agency. Please be prepared to move quickly once we get the green light! There will be a zoom meeting to answer questions and share details prior to the official sign-up date.

Information regarding Philadelphia April 2025 will be coming shortly - this trip will be easier to share information for later.

Fall Concert [Event]

Our Fall Concert will feature Lightridge Singers, Lightridge Chamber, Select Treble Chorus, and Select Bass Chorus who will be singing with our 8th Graders from Willard Middle School and 5th Graders from our Elementary Schools. Our students are so excited to share their hard work with you all! Know that there will be MANY elementary parents attending - this will be a packed house. We have an after-school rehearsal for the concert on Tuesday, October 15th. Parents - we need your help to make sure logistics run smoothly! Sign-Up to help here!

When is the concert?
Wednesday, October 16th at 7:00 PM

Call Time for Students is 4:30 PM

What is Lightridge Chorus wearing?

We are wearing our blue t-shirts and blue jeans.

Will they be getting dinner?

Pizza will be provided for Lightridge Chorus students.

How can the Treble Chorus and Bass Chorus help?

We would LOVE for Treble Chorus and Bass Chorus students to help that day with holding doors for parents, making sure parents don’t sit in student designated spots, cleaning up after we eat dinner, etc. Students who volunteer will receive hours towards their Honors Chorus Point. Volunteer sign-ups are here.

All-County Chorus [Event]

Students who were appointed for this Honors Ensemble receive one point towards Honors Chorus. All-County Chorus will be held at Lightridge HS this year on Thursday, October 17th. YES - its the day after our concert! Students are to wear Lightridge Chorus apparel for the rehearsals throughout the day. There will be a concert at 4:30 PM in the Lightridge Auditorium.

Halloween Hang! [Event]

The Halloween Hang is our first annual social event hosted by the Lightridge Chorus Council. Students can sign-up to bring snacks here. This is where students from all ensembles in Lightridge Chorus can come together to connect. This year we will also be introducing our mentorship program to better foster connections between our ensembles. The Halloween Hang will be on Thursday, October 24th from 4:30 PM - 6:30 in the Chorus Room.

All-District Chorus [Audition]

• AUDITION DATE: November 7th, 2024

[we will know our time slot by October 24th - conflicts can be accommodated in the registration link]


[under Honors Ensembles when student name is searched in payment portal]

• AUDITION LOCATION: John Champe High School

[transportation NOT provided]

• EVENT DATES: February 6-8, 2024 at Rock Ridge High School

[don't audition if there are conflicts with these dates]

• HONORS CHORUS POINT: 1 Point for Auditioning - 1 Point for Participating if Accepted

[if you register and then don’t audition - you will LOSE a point]

All-District Chorus Auditions [Registration Form]

All-District Chorus Auditions [Permission Slip]

All-District Chorus Audition Payment

Fundraiser Day [Event]

Saturday NOVEMBER 9TH [11:00 AM - 3:00 PM]

Students will be going to an assigned neighborhood for door-to-door donation requests. Each group will need ONE parent of the students in the group to drive for the day. It is VITAL that students and families support our biggest fundraiser of the year - all funds go towards student experiences.

  • this information was shared at our parent-student meeting in September - mandatory

  • 11:00 AM - students meet in the auditorium for information regarding assignments

  • dress warm or in chorus t-shirts - students who will be going door-to-door should dress warm and students who are working with our elementary campers will be in chorus t-shirts

  • students must stay for the duration of the timeframe - potential to leave early if your assigned neighborhood is complete

August - 2024

Welcome, Lightridge Chorus Families -

It has been such an exciting start to the school year! I have had such an incredible time reuniting with students and building relationships with my new students as well. Not many teachers have the privilege of watching students grow from year to year. I feel nothing but gratitude for having the opportunity to teach your children. For those of you who are new to Lightridge Chorus … WELCOME!

As many of you know, building a strong relationship with the families of my students is a priority of mine. The Lightridge Sings Newsletter at lightridgechorus.org will share updates with you about the Lightridge Chorus Program! Information will be quickly shared through Remind - and was at the beginning of the year for August deadlines. If you have not downloaded that app, please do so!

Parent Action Items

  1. Please read the Handbook and Calendar in its entirety - write down all of the important dates. All conflicts were due via email to me by Friday, August 29th.

  2. Sign the Handbook and Calendar Acknowledgement - Permission Click.

  3. Pay Course Fee for your child based on what ensemble they are in. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at helai.rutan@lcps.org and I would be happy to discuss this with you! Below are the respective links for the course fee:

All course fee payments and handbook acknowledgements were due on Friday, August 29th.

MANDATORY Parent Meeting

Chorus is a co-curricular class that requires the support of students and families to have our program succeed. Lightridge Chorus is one of the strongest choral programs in the state of Virginia and we could not continue to grow without parental support! We will be hosting a mandatory parent-student meeting to go through the calendar, student expectations, parent involvement, department needs, the spring trip, etc. on Wednesday, September 18th at 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM in the Lightridge Auditorium. Students will not be eligible to receive the 0.5 Honors GPA Boost for their class without a parent present to sign the Honors Acknowledgement Form. Students are encouraged to attend this meeting, while parents are required.

Honors Chorus

The purpose of honors music ensemble classes is to challenge students to enrich their overall musical understanding and provide deeper learning. Successful completion of requirements will result in an additional 0.5 credit for the ensemble your student is enrolled in.

Four different tasks must be completed throughout the year in order for a student to receive credit. Students have been given a list of tasks that count for honors points and are to share that information with you. Students who have shared intention for signing up for Honors Chorus will be bringing home an application form to be filled out by the student and parent in order to officially sign-up for the course and turned in at the Student-Parent Meeting. This Application Form is due Wednesday, September 18th. Forms will only be accepted at the Student-Parent Meeting. Students will receive a paper copy of this form to bring home prior to Wednesday.


Honors Ensembles Auditions

These are groups that students can audition for in addition to the ensemble they are in during the school day, such as All-District Chorus, All-State Chorus, VMEA Senior Honor Choir, and ACDA National Honor Choir. For more information regarding these opportunities, please check the link below to see what is required for preparation. Students have had this information since the first week of school and can access it through Schoology. Encourage your student to audition for honors ensembles!


If your student is looking to audition for ACDA National, please have them student sign-up for the SLYC Workshop on Saturday, September 21st. The ACDA National Interest Meeting will be on Wednesday, September 18th during Club Time. Students should sign-up for recording timeslots and pre-screens on this spreadsheet. If your student intends to receive the 0.5 GPA boost through Honors Chorus, they are expected to audition for at least one Honors Ensemble.

11 and awaaz a capella Groups

Open-Mic Fundraiser and Boosters Meeting at Lark

We will be hosting our first fundraiser of the year THIS Thursday, September 19th from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM at Lark Hospitality! We'd love for students and families to join us! Our first annual boosters meeting will start at 7:00 PM following the student’s performances! Even if you have not signed up to be a boosters parent yet - stop by!


Lightridge Chorus Apparel

Lightridge Chorus will be selling apparel until September 22nd! Visit the website through Cheer Sports to purchase apparel. Students will receive one t-shirt as a part of their uniform covered by their course fee. All ordered apparel will be available for pick up by the end of October in the Chorus Room.

I am blessed to be at Lightridge and cannot wait to see what we accomplish this year as a department. I am beyond ready to have students make memories and grow as musicians. Go Bolts!


Helai Karim Rutan

June - 2024

Concert Attire and Garment Bags + Honors Chorus Points were due on Friday, May 31st!

Students need to have all of their Honors Chorus points submitted and turn in all pieces of their uniform for dry cleaning by this date. Please have all uniform pieces inside garment bags so that its’ easier to track who turned in what. Those who do not turn this items in will owe Lightridge Chorus.

Lightridge Singers - Music Video

Lightridge Singers will record a music video for Precious Lord on Wednesday, June 5th during 4th Block until after school. We cannot wait to share this beautiful project with you!

Senior Night Information

Wednesday, June 5th at 6:00 PM at Lightridge HS

Lightridge Chorus Senior Night - 6:00 PM Performances and 7:00 PM Dinner During Speeches

This evening will be honoring our 38 Seniors! Seniors and Senior Families - no need to purchase tickets for performances, however, you will need to purchase dinner tickets.

6:00 PM - Performance Tickets

Tickets for performances are being charged to offset the costs of running sound for the event.

7:00 PM - Dinner During Speeches Tickets

If you are not planning on eating dinner, you do not need to purchase a dinner ticket. Please note that this event is about an hour and a half - two hours long. Dinner will be catered by Ciro Ristorante from Stone Ridge. Mrs. Rutan will share their senior speech and students will be performing solos, duets, and small groups.

Seniors, please fill out the details regarding your performances!

Ensemble Placement Auditions

Thursday June 6th [Lightridge Singers Callback Audition at 4:30 PM]

Frida June 7th [Lightridge Chamber Callback Audition at 4:30 PM]

Some students might receive a callback audition for Lightridge Singers or Lightridge Chamber. This audition will be a group audition and students will have time to prepare. Not all students who receive a callback will be selected for these ensembles - the callback invitation is equivalent to a “pat on the back - keep up the great work - Mrs. Rutan needs to see more from you in order to make a decision.” Students in this audition will be evaluated on musical literacy, vocal balance and blend, preparation, and vocal characteristics. If you have questions regarding these ensembles and their expectations, please reach out to Mrs. Rutan!


Friday, June 14 at ION Center at 2:00 PM

Bus Departs Lightridge at 11:30 AM

Class of 2024 Graduation - Lightridge Singers Performances

Students in the 2023-2024 Lightridge Singers will perform the National Anthem at graduation. Current Lightridge Singers will have this serve as their last major summative assessment of the quarter. Class of 2024 seniors, you will walk up during graduation and sing with us one final time! 2024 - 2025 Lightridge Singers are invited to perform with us - the roster for this ensemble will be posted by then.

May - 2024

Hello Lightridge Chorus Families -

It has been a while since I’ve reached out - it’s been a busy season! There are a number of updates that need to be shared, but first, we have some congratulations -

  • Lightridge Music received the Blue Ribbon Award. This award is given to fine arts programs that received Superior Ratings with their ensembles. Lightridge Chorus did just that and we are thrilled to have contributed to this award!

  • Penny Ehring, Katie Benner, Annika Kumar, Zerben Hebert, and Habib Jaafar were selected for All-State! The goal is to increase the number of students who make states next year. Let’s keep up the good work!

Here are the details of our remaining events:

Upcoming Performances and Events

Wednesday, May 1st at 6:00 PM at Lightridge HS

Lightridge Spring Concert - Call Time for Students is 5:30 PM

We will be rehearsing during the last block of the day and teachers are aware through this dismissal document. We will be rehearsing during the last block of the day to minimize conflicts with after school commitments.

Tuba - 3:00 - 3:30

Tshela Moya - 3:30 - 4:00

Precious Lord - 4:00 - 4:15

Wednesday, May 8th at 7:00 PM in Chorus Room

Chorus Boosters Meeting

We will be discussing the upcoming chorus banquet, senior night, and the Lark open mic fundraiser. The main portion of the evening will be reading the essays seniors submit for the senior scholarships and choosing a winner or winners. Seniors, scholarship applications can be found here and the deadline to submit is Tuesday, May 7th at 11:59 PM. Sign-Ups to serve as one of the parents on the senior grading committee will be available at the concert on Wednesday. 

Wednesday, May 22nd at 6:00 PM at Lightridge HS

Lightridge Chorus Banquet - Award Ceremony

This event is not mandatory but highly encouraged since many students and their peers will be receiving acknowledgments. Please make sure to sign-up to bring either appetizers or desserts for the event.

Wednesday, June 5th at 6:00 PM at Lightridge HS

Lightridge Chorus Senior Night - 6:00 PM Performances and 7:00 PM Dinner During Speeche

This evening will be honoring our 38 Seniors! Seniors and Senior Families - no need to purchase tickets for performances, however, you will need to purchase dinner tickets.

6:00 PM - Performance Tickets

Tickets for performances are being charged to offset the costs of running sound for the event.

7:00 PM - Dinner During Speeches Tickets

If you are not planning on eating dinner, you do not need to purchase a dinner ticket. Please note that this event is about an hour and a half - two hours long. Dinner will be catered by Ciro Ristorante from Stone Ridge. Mrs. Rutan will share their senior speech and students will be performing solos, duets, and small groups. Seniors, please fill out this form as we prepare to honor you!

Thursday, May 30th from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Lark Hospitality

We are currently in contact with Lark Hospitality that recently opened about hosting an open-mic fundraiser on Thursday, May 30th from 5 -7 PM! We'd love for students and families to join us. This is not finalized yet and we will have more information soon. 

Concert Attire and Garment Bags + Honors Chorus Points are due on Friday, May 31st.

Students need to have all of their Honors Chorus points submitted and turn in all pieces of their uniform for dry cleaning by this date. Please have all uniform pieces inside garment bags so that its’ easier to track who turned in what.

Ensemble Placement Auditions

May 28th - May 31st [Individual Auditions In-Class]

Auditions are challenging for both students and teachers alike. The purpose of auditions is to place students in ensembles that are appropriate for their current skill level. As the program continues to grow and we continue to attempt increasingly challenging music, this differentiation is vital. We will prepare for auditions in class after the concert. Students are evaluated on musical literacy, vocal technique, vocal characteristics, and work ethic. We will record each individual audition and carefully assess to see what level is best suited for each individual.

Thursday June 6th [Lightridge Singers Callback Audition at 4:30 PM]

Frida June 7th [Lightridge Chamber Callback Audition at 4:30 PM]

Some students might receive a callback audition for Lightridge Singers or Lightridge Chamber. This audition will be a group audition and students will have time to prepare. Not all students who receive a callback will be selected for these ensembles - the callback invitation is equivalent to a “pat on the back - keep up the great work - Mrs. Rutan needs to see more from you in order to make a decision.” Students in this audition will be evaluated on musical literacy, vocal balance and blend, preparation, and vocal characteristics. If you have questions regarding these ensembles and their expectations, please reach out to Mrs. Rutan!

The image above showcases the progression that Lightridge Chorus offers. Students will progressively move up levels. All freshmen will enter through either Bass Chorus or Treble Chorus. Students are guaranteed to move up at least one level through their time in Lightridge Chorus if they are in the program for three or more years. Sequential electives are an important part of a student’s transcript for college admissions.

Friday, June 14 at ION Center at 2:00 PM

Class of 2024 Graduation - Lightridge Singers Performances

Students in the 2023-2024 Lightridge Singers will be performing the National Anthem at graduation. Current Lightridge Singers will have this serve as their last major summative assessment of the quarter. Class of 2024 seniors, you will walk up during graduation and sing with us one final time! 2024 - 2025 Lightridge Singers are invited to perform with us - the roster for this ensemble will be posted by then. The timing of the bus departure from Lightridge to the ION Center is not available yet - but it will be around noon. 

Whew! May will be action-packed but very worth the reward. We are almost at the finish line! I know its a crazy time with many SOLs and AP Exams. Summer is near!

March [Assessment Information] - 2024

Hello Lightridge Chorus Families -

Assessment Season is here! Your students have worked diligently for Loudoun County Choral Assessment. March will be the busiest month for Lightridge Chorus - and we thank you for all of your support leading up to the biggest performance of the year!

What is Choral Assessment? Assessment is an event where Lightridge Chorus will join the rest of Loudoun County Chorus Departments and perform for a panel of judges. The judges will rate our groups on our musicianship and literacy. This educational experience helps us grow as a department, and gives us feedback on how to improve. This event is comparable to SOLs. Here are the details:

Assessment Rehearsals

Wednesday, March 6th at Lightridge HS

Bass Chorus

3:00 - 4:00

During 8th Block

Treble Chorus

4:30 - 5:00

Select Treble Chorus

5:00 - 5:30

Select Bass Chorus

5:30 - 6:00

Lightridge Singers

6:00 - 6:30

Assessment Performances

Wednesday, March 6th at 7:00 PM at Lightridge HS

Lightridge Pre-Assessment Concert

Pre-Assessment concerts are for a final practice before Assessment. Students are to report to the Lightridge Auditorium at their designated rehearsal times. If they have no ride they are welcome to stay after school. IF they are staying after school they must have their uniform to change into. Dinner will be provided for those who stay. The concert starts at 7:00 PM and will be about an hour and a half long. We will be joined by Willard Chorus students for this event.

Thursday, March 7th at Alexandria City HS

Lightridge Singers with Jason Max Ferdinand

Lightridge Singers will be participating in a clinic with the top ensembles in Northern Virginia. This event is after school on Thursday and is a required major summative assessment for this honors ensemble. Please make sure the permission click is filled out for this event. Students will wear Lightridge Chorus merch and will be back to Lightridge around 10:30 PM.

Friday, March 15th at Briar Woods HS

Loudoun County Choral Assessment

The ensembles timeframes are listed below. Mrs. Rutan will take the first bus with Bass Chorus and Select Bass Chorus to head to Dominion HS first. The second round of buses will have Select Treble Chorus and Treble Chorus on it. The third and final round will have Lightridge Singers on it. Ms. Rutan will need chaperones [parents of kids from different ensembles] to volunteer riding the bus to and from since she will be conducting the ensembles back to back and cannot be at four places at the same time.

Treble Chorus

3:30 Early Release to Change and Snack

4:30 Bus Departure

[5:20 PM PM Warm-Up] [5:40 PM Performance] [6:00 PM Sight-Singing]

Select Treble Chorus

5:30 Bus Departure

[6:20 PM Warm-Up] [6:40 PM Performance] [7:00 PM Sight-Singing]

Bass Chorus

6:30 Bus Departure

[7:20 PM Warm-Up] [7:40 PM Performance] [8:00 PM Sight-Singing]

Select Bass Chorus

7:30 Bus Departure

[8:20 PM Warm-Up] [8:40 PM Performance] [9:00 PM Sight-Singing]

Lightridge Singers

8:30 Bus Departure

[9:40 PM Warm-Up] [10:00 PM Performance] [10:20 PM Sight-Singing]

Assessment Parent Action Items

Field Trip Permission Slip Forms are due on Friday, March 8th.

This form is necessary for your students to have permission to ride the school bus with us to Choral Assessment and attend the event. Please have this filled out and turned in as soon as possible.

Please check to make sure your student’s uniform is ready to go as well for these upcoming performances.

A separate newsletter will share information regarding the Miami Trip with final payment information and details. Please ensure that you are reading these messages as the month of March is busy!


Helai Karim Rutan

February - 2024

Hello Lightridge Chorus Families -

This newsletter will share information regarding the Spring Trip to Miami, All-District Chorus, ACDA Regional Honor Choir, and the upcoming Chorus Boosters meeting. February and March is the BUSY season as we prepare for assessment. Most of the dates below are happening in class, students must be present for these since they are graded workshops. Please be aware of these dates:

  • Wednesday, February 7th at 10:00 AM in Chorus Room [Senior Photos]

  • Wednesday, February 7th at 7:00 PM in Chorus Room [Boosters Meeting]

  • Thursday, February 8th, 6th Block [Sydney Guillaume Workshop w/ Lightridge Singers]

  • Thursday, February 15th - Saturday, February 17th [All-District Chorus + All-State Auditions]

  • Wednesday, February 21st, 3rd Block [Dominick Izzo Workshop w/ Select Bass]

  • Wednesday, February 21st - Sunday, February 25th [ACDA Regional Honor Choir]

  • Monday, February 26th, 6th Block and 7th Block [Michael Ehrlich Workshop w/ Lightridge Singers and Select Treble]

  • Tuesday, February 27th, 3rd Block [Erik Jacobs Workshop w/ Select Bass]

  • Wednesday, February 28th, 6th Block [Jordan Markwood Workshop w/ Lightridge Singers]

  • Wednesday, March 6th, 7:00 PM [CONCERT- ALL STUDENTS]

  • Thursday, March 7th, 6:00 PM [Jason Max Ferdinand Clinic w/ Lightridge Singers]

  • Friday, March 8th, 7th Block [Daniel Jackson Clinic w/ Select Treble]

  • Friday, March 15th, 4:30 PM - 9:30 PM [CHORUS ASSESSMENT - ALL STUDENTS]

  • Wednesday, March 20th at 7:00 PM [Miami Spring Trip Meeting]

Senior Photos

Senior Photos will be taken on Wednesday, February 7th from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM. All seniors are required to be in the photo. Students must wear their BLACK chorus t-shirt and BLUE jeans for the shoot. Please note that an order form was sent home for individual banner orders. It is also attached below.

Boosters Meeting

We will have a general meeting with members of the Lightridge Chorus Boosters on Wednesday, February 7th at 7:00 PM in the Chorus Room. All parents are encouraged to attend! We will be discussing senior scholarships, fundraisers, senior night, etc. If you are not yet a member, we’d love for you to attend and gain more information about membership!

Spring Trip to Miami

The final payment for our Spring Trip to Miami has not been set yet due to a delay from the travel company. I will share more information about the final payment once I have it!

A mandatory meeting for all students attending will be on Wednesday, March 20th at 7:00 PM in the chorus room. All students who are attending must have one parent attend the meeting. Chaperones, please attend.

All-District Chorus Information

Information regarding All-District Chorus has been sent out to participating students and their families. The All-District Chorus Website has more in-depth details regarding attire, the schedule, food, etc.


District Chorus is on Thursday February 15th - Saturday February 17th at Paul VI HS and Rock Ridge HS.

Thursday will be the first rehearsal at Paul VI HS from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM. All-State auditions will happen during this time as well. There will be no transportation provided for Thursday.

Friday we will have a bus depart from Lightridge HS around 9:30 AM and drop us back off at Lightridge HS around 5:30 PM. We will be attending rehearsals at Rock Ridge HS.

Saturday will not have provided transportation. Please arrive at Rock Ridge HS at 8:30 AM in your concert black attire. The high school concert will start at 3:15 PM.

ACDA Regional Honor Choir Information

Information regarding ACDA Regional Honor Choir has been sent out to participating students and their families. ACDA Southern is also directly sending emails to students and families with details.

WHEN IS ACDA Regional honor choir?

Regional Honor Choir is from Wednesday February 21st - Sunday February 25th in Louisville, KY.

January - 2024

Lightridge Chorus -

Happy New Year! We have jumped right into our assessment music in all ensembles this week and we are making quick progress! This newsletter will share information regarding second-quarter grades, Course Selections, the Lightridge Singers - Select Treble - Select Bass Assessment Clinic, and the Boosters Meeting. Here is a link to our Winter Concert! Thank you to all of you who attended and for your support!

Second Quarter Grades

All grades are up to date at this time for Lightridge Chorus students. Students will be receiving a Major Summative Grade reflecting their cumulative Formal Formative Grades for Rehearsal Skills on the last day of the quarter. This grade will indicate the sum of all of the formative grades combined. Besides that final submission, everything is accurate and prepared for report cards. If you or your students have any concerns regarding their grades, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!

Assessment Clinic - Sunday January 28th

The Lightridge Singers, Select Treble, and Select Bass students will be participating in an assessment clinic on Sunday, January 28th from 4 PM - 7 PM. This clinic will include music educators from Northern Virginia who can specifically assist our singers with vocal technique as we prepare for our assessment season. This will serve as a Major Summative assessment for the students in these ensembles.

Course Selections

Course Selections for high school are fast approaching. As students continue on or are embarking on the beginning of high school, it is important to consider the benefits of performing arts electives. Please make sure your student has chorus on their Course Requests!

  1. Music courses help students create diversity for their college applications. Creativity is valued in the college acceptance process. A sequential music elective also showcases long-term commitment, diligence, and responsibility. Students utilize these skills in all aspects of their lives. How will your students’ college applications differ from other students in Loudoun County?

  2. Employers hire creative team workers who stand out. The first question asked in many interviews is, “Tell me about yourself?” Does the candidate showcase unique perspectives and skills that can benefit the company? Employers want candidates who are masters in their content knowledge but also excel in skills like communication, listening, critical thinking, and problem-solving - all of which are taught in fine arts.

  3. Honors Music becomes an option for students in high school. The purpose of the honors music option is to challenge students to participate in a diverse spectrum of pre-approved musical activities to enrich their overall musical understanding and provide deeper learning. Successful completion of these requirements will result in an additional 0.5 credit for the chorus class your student is already in.

  4. Students can continue to be a school community. The continuation of growing musical skills will result in more performance opportunities, advanced courses, and new repertoire. As your child gets older, they will have more space in their schedule for additional electives closer to the end of their high school career. Their junior and senior year is a great time for their transcript to incorporate additional interests your student has. Please also consider your student completing a course through Virtual Loudoun during the school year for no cost.

If you or your student has any questions about this process - please do not hesitate to reach out to me!

Miami Updates

For those who are attending Miami, $1000 should have been paid so far. Please make sure the total in your receipts has come to that. If not - please make sure that you fulfill a payment to catch up here: https://lcps.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/25569/371/False/True. You can change the quantity to be the right amount that you are missing!

The final payment amount has not been shared yet. We are waiting on that from the company before I send out the link! Please make sure that you are up to date so far. For those who participated in the cookie dough fundraiser, I’ll be sure to subtract your totals from that final payment.

The InterMiami Game:

We really tried to make this happen and were ready to go UNTIL InterMiami released their schedule and the game is on the same night that we fly back home. We tried to push everything back a day but it really was impossible.


I am in contact with DC United. InterMiami will be in town in DC on Saturday, March 16th. I had a great conversation with them on the phone today and they are finalizing details to see if we can perform at the game! I will share more details when I have them!

Chorus Boosters

The Lightridge Chorus Boosters is diligently working to support the Chorus program. Thank you so much to those of you who have signed up to be a member and to those of you who have donated the the program as a whole. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, February 7th at 6:30 PM. Here are some items that we will be focusing on:

  • scheduling senior banners and photos

  • tax receipts for those who donated in 2023

  • budget report

  • fees for auxiliary instrumentation [percussionists, strings players, etc.]

  • fees for auxiliary staff [sound for concerts, etc.]

To become a Booster Member, please click on this link.


Helai Karim Rutan

November + December - 2023

Hello Lightridge Chorus Families, 

Happy Holidays! Your students are excited to share their Winter Concert music and are working hard to perfect their music as we gear up for concert season. It will be a busy season leading up to our performances for you all - so here are some updates and reminders:

Winter Concert

Wednesday DECEMBER 6TH [7:00 PM]

  • 4:30 PM - students meet in the auditorium for call time

  • chorus uniform - black dress or black suit that was sent home with black socks or tights and black flats or black dress shoes

  • students must stay for the duration of the concert

Winter Fundraiser Day [Mandatory]

Saturday DECEMBER 9TH [12:30 PM - 3:00 PM]

Lightridge Chorus is hosting a Winter Chorus Camp from 1:00 PM - 3:15 PM for students in grades 3-5! SOME students will serve as camp counselors on this day and SOME students will be going to an assigned neighborhood for door-to-door donation requests.

  • this information was shared at our parent-student meeting in September - mandatory

  • 12:30 PM - students meet in the auditorium for information regarding assignments

  • dress warm or in chorus t-shirts - students who will be going door-to-door should dress warm and students who are working with our elementary campers will be in chorus t-shirts

  • students must stay for the duration of the timeframe - potential to leave early


We are so excited to have booked our 80+ passengers for our trip to Miami! As a reminder:

  • When is the trip? The dates of the trip will be from Wednesday, April 3rd - Saturday, April 6th.

  • Remaining payments?

[December 1st: $250 2nd Payment]

[January 1st: $250 3rd Payment]

We will send out a link for the final payment to be made in January due on February 1st once we solidify hotel rooms and final details.

As always, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions! We hope to see you at our concert next week!


Helai Karim Rutan

October - 2023

Hello, Lightridge Chorus Families -

This newsletter will have information regarding our Fall Concert, All-County Chorus, our Open Mic Night at Schmidt’s BBQ, singing the National Anthem at the Homecoming Football Game, and All-District Chorus Auditions. Information regarding Miami will be coming shortly - we are still waiting on final approval from LCPS Risk Management with the details of the contract with our travel agency. Please be prepared to move quickly once we get the green light!

Fall Concert [Event]

Our Fall Concert will feature Lightridge Singers, Select Treble Chorus, and Select Bass Chorus who will be singing with our 8th Graders from Willard Middle School and 5th Graders from our Elementary Schools. This is a Disney themed concert! Our students are so excited to share their hard work with you all! Know that there will be MANY elementary parents attending - this will be a packed house.

When is the concert?
Wednesday, October 11th at 7:00 PM

Call Time for Students is 4:30 PM

What is Lightridge Chorus wearing?

We are wearing our grey t-shirts and jeans. Select Treble - please make sure you bring your cleaning supplies props as well.

Will they be getting dinner?

Pizza will be provided for Lightridge Chorus students from 5:30 - 6:10.

How can the Treble Chorus and Bass Chorus help?

We would LOVE for Treble Chorus and Bass Chorus students to help that day with holding doors for parents, making sure parents don’t sit in student designated spots, cleaning up after we eat dinner, etc. Students who volunteer will receive 1.5 hours towards their Honors Chorus Point.

All-County Chorus [Event]

Students who auditioned for this Honors Ensemble receive one point towards Honors Chorus and students who are accepted receive another point. All-County Chorus will be held at Loudoun Valley HS this year on Thursday, October 12th. YES - its the day after our concert! Students are to wear Lightridge Chorus apparel for the rehearsals throughout the day and bring their concert attire ready to change into. We will depart from Lightridge at 9:30 AM and will return after the concert by 9:30 PM. This is a ONE day event. The concert begins at 7:00 PM at Loudoun Valley HS! Please fill out the Permission Form below -

Open-Mic Night @ Schmidt’s BBQ

In lieu of Coffee House this year, we will be making our way through the community doing open-mic nights to give students more performance opportunities! Please join us on Sunday, October 15th at 4:00 PM at Schnidt’s BBQ in Leesburg to support our Lightridge Chorus students who will be performing! $7 entry fee will serve as a fundraiser for Lightridge Chorus!

National Anthem [at HoCo]

Lightridge Chorus will be singing the National Anthem at the Homecoming Football Game on Friday, October 20th at 6:55 PM! Students will be meeting in the Chorus Room at 6:30 PM to warm-up and head over to the stadium. Students who sing at the game can attend the game for free and will receive 0.5 hours towards their Peer Tutoring as one of the Honors Chorus point options. It is also 8th Grade Chorus Night - students who help Mrs. Rutan with the 8th Graders from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM can receive an extra 0.5 hours towards their Peer Tutoring point.

Halloween Hang!

The Halloween Hang is our first annual social event hosted by the Lightridge Chorus Council. We’ll have snacks and watch a movie together. This is where students from all ensembles in Lightridge Chorus can come together to connect. This year we will also be revealing our mentor-mentee or big-little pairings to better foster connections between our ensembles. The Halloween Hang will be on Tuesday, October 24th from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM in the Chorus Room.

All-District Chorus [Auditions]

• AUDITION DATE: October 31, 2023

[we will know our time slot by October 23rd - morning or early afternoon is what I will ask for - conflicts can be accommodated in the registration]


[under Honors Ensembles when student name is searched in payment portal]

• AUDITION LOCATION: Woodgrove High School

[bus will take us to Woodgrove]

• EVENT DATES: February 15-17, 2024 at Rock Ridge High School

[don't audition if there are conflicts with these dates]

• HONORS CHORUS POINT: 1 Point for Auditioning - 1 Point for Participating if Accepted

[if you register and then don’t audition - you will LOSE a point]

October is a BUSY month for us at Lightridge Chorus! We’re excited for a CHILL November!


Helai Karim Rutan

September - 2023

Hello, Lightridge Chorus Families -

It was great to see so many of you at our parent-student meeting last week. If you were unable to attend, please connect with me. Please review the slides from the evening with important information regarding the year. All students received their uniforms this week. Please check with your students to make sure they have all of the items needed [dress, dress shirt, pants, jacket, chorus t-shirt]. This week also marks the halfway point for the first quarter, please check your students’ grades.


As mentioned in the parent-student meeting, Lightridge Chorus is looking for sponsorships as we advance our program! If you are interested in supporting Lightridge Chorus through our Sponsorship Program, please complete the form below.

Below are the needed items that we are looking to cover -

$1,500 is needed for Instrumentalists [cello, violin, percussion, guitar, vocalists]. All of these people are professional musicians who need to be paid. 

$3,500 is needed for Lights and Sound and Jazz Trio for the Spring Show. We will be creating a Jazz Club in the cafeteria this year! Tickets will be sold with dinner included - student waiters! 

$2,000 is needed for Senior Scholarships. $500 each for leadership, musicianship, etc. Essays will be read and voted on by Boosters. Applicants must have one parent be a member of the Boosters.

$2,500 is needed for Senior Photos and Banners. 

$5,000 is needed for Uniform Garment Bags. 

If you are interested in covering or sponsoring a portion of these specific items beyond the general sponsorship form, please reach out to helai.rutan@lcps.org and boosters@lightridgechorus.org with your interest! Direct donations can be made to the Boosters by clicking below.

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

The cookie dough fundraiser sheets were distributed at the parent-student meeting last week. These profits are intended for students’ individual accounts as they raise money for their individual fees for our spring trip to Miami. The fundraiser runs until Friday, October 6th. Students are responsible for collecting the money [$20 per box] for their orders and keeping track of it. On Friday, October 6th, students will submit their order forms and ONE CHECK [made payable to Lightridge Chorus] for the total of all of their orders - CHECK ONLY. Mrs. Rutan will keep track of each student’s profits and subtract that from their last Miami invoice.

Lightridge Boosters

The Lightridge Chorus Boosters (LCB) is designed to encourage and facilitate growth, success and sustainability of the Lightridge Chorus program.  The LCB provides fundraising support for chorus expenses and related student activities as well as facilitates volunteer support for the chorus program and its events, activities, and functions. Looking to support Lightridge Chorus? Join the Lightridge Chorus Boosters! The behind-the-scenes work it takes to coordinate our student’s events takes the support of parents. Please fill out the membership form below!

All-County Chorus

Congratulations to the students who were accepted into All-County Chorus!

Chorus Council

Congratulations to the students who will be serving on the executive board for Lightridge Chorus Council! Members and Ensemble Section Leaders will be announced by the end of the quarter.

More information will be shared the first week of October regarding -

  • Miami [payments and registration]

  • Christmas Wreaths Fundraiser [order forms and details]

  • Winter Fundraiser Day [door-to-door driver volunteer sign-ups]


Helai Karim Rutan

August - 2023

Welcome, Lightridge Chorus Families -

It has been such an exciting start to the school year! I have had such an incredible time reuniting with students and building relationships with my new students as well. Not many teachers have the privilege of watching students grow from year to year. I feel nothing but gratitude for having the opportunity to teach your children. For those of you who are new to Lightridge Chorus … WELCOME!

As many of you know, building a strong relationship with the families of my students is a priority of mine. The Lightridge Sings Newsletter at lightridgechorus.org will share updates with you about the Lightridge Chorus Program! Students will receive the handbook and calendar this week in classes, but I wanted to share details prior.

Handbook + Calendar

Below is the Lightridge Chorus Handbook and Chorus Calendar. Please read the handbook and calendar in its entirety - write down all of the important dates and pay the course fee. If you have any questions, please email me at helai.rutan@lcps.org. All course fee payments are due on Friday, September 8th.

Parent - Student Meeting [Mandatory]

We will be hosting a mandatory parent-student meeting to go through the calendar, parent involvement, department needs, the spring trip, etc. on Wednesday, September 20th at 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM in the Lightridge Auditorium. This meeting will be followed by our first Lightridge Chorus Boosters Meeting in the Chorus Room from 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM.

Lightridge Chorus Apparel

Lightridge Chorus will be selling apparel until September 7th! Visit the website through Cheer Sports to purchase apparel. Students will receive one t-shirt as a part of their uniform covered by their course fee. All ordered apparel will be available for pick up by the end of October in the Chorus Room.

I am blessed to be at Lightridge and cannot wait to see what we accomplish this year as a department. I am beyond ready to have students make memories and grow as musicians. Go Bolts!


Helai Karim Rutan

June - 2023

Hello Lightridge Chorus Families -

We are in the home stretch with the last couple of weeks of the school year! Here is the information you need as we wrap up the year:

Upcoming Events and Due Dates

Lightridge Chorus Banquet

Thursday, June 1st - 6:00 PM Dinner and 6:30 PM Awards Ceremony Begins

Here is the link to pay for dinner - MOES. If you are not planning to join us for dinner you are more than welcome to come at the beginning of the ceremony. This event is not mandatory but highly encouraged since many students and their peers will be receiving acknowledgments. The event will be held in the cafeteria.

Concert Attire, Honors Chorus Points, and Music Folders

Students need to have all of their Honors Chorus points submitted and turn in all pieces of their uniform for dry cleaning by this date. All folders and music borrowed need to be turned in as well. All items are due on Friday, June 2nd.

Lightridge Singers - National Anthem at Graduation

Students in Lightridge Singers and graduating seniors will be singing the National Anthem at graduation on Friday, June 9th at 9:00 AM. Underclassmen students are to report to the chorus room at 8:15 AM for a quick warmup. Seniors, we will invite you up to the graduation stage to sing - you do not need to report to the warmup!

Volunteers Needed [Graduation Concessions]

The Lightridge Chorus Boosters is diligently working to support the Chorus program. We are in immediate for volunteers for assisting with concessions for graduation! This is one of our biggest fundraising opportunities and we need parents to step up and support the boosters’ efforts. If you are not a parent of a graduating senior, we need you to come assist!

Graduation is on Friday, June 9th. We would need volunteers to help sell breakfast concessions from 7-9 AM. Here is the link to sign-up to volunteer.

To make a general donation to Lightridge Chorus, please click on this link.

Thank you so much for an incredible school year filled with an exceptional amount of success. I am grateful for each of you and am honored to be a part of this program!


Helai Karim

May - 2023

Hello Lightridge Chorus Families -

It has been a while since I’ve reached out - it’s been a busy season! There are a number of updates that need to be shared, but first, we have some congratulations -

  • Lightridge Music received the Blue Ribbon Award. This award is given to fine arts programs that received Superior Ratings with their advanced ensembles. Lightridge Singers did just that and we are thrilled to have contributed to this award!

  • ALL ENSEMBLES in Lightridge Chorus received Superior Ratings in both literacy and performance! Their hard work paid off and established Lightridge as one of the leading choral programs in Loudoun County. Many directors were especially impressed with our enrollment and the quality of beginning ensembles.

  • Taylor Livingston, Alex Armstrong, and Habib Jaafar were selected for All-State! The goal is to increase the number of students who make states next year. Let’s keep up the good work!

Here are the details of our remaining events:

Upcoming Performances and Events

Wednesday, May 10th at 6:00 PM at Lightridge HS

Lightridge Spring Concert - Call Time for Students is 5:00 PM

Thursday, May 18th at 6:30 PM at Lightridge HS

Lightridge Chorus Senior Night - Senior Speeches + Senior Performances

This evening will be honoring our 40 Seniors! Here is the link to purchase tickets - everyone but seniors themselves will need a ticket. Ms. Karim will share their senior speech and students will be performing solos, duets, and small groups. Seniors, please fill out this form as we prepare to honor you!

Thursday, June 1st at 6:30 PM at Lightridge HS

Lightridge Chorus Banquet - 6:00 PM Dinner and 6:30 PM Awards Ceremony Begins

Here is the link to pay for dinner - Mission BBQ. If you are not planning to join us for dinner you are more than welcome to come at the beginning of the ceremony. This event is not mandatory but highly encouraged since many students and their peers will be receiving acknowledgments.

Concert Attire AND Honors Chorus Point are due on Friday, June 2nd

Students need to have all of their Honors Chorus points submitted and turn in all pieces of their uniform for dry cleaning by this date.

Ensemble Placement Auditions

May 22nd - May 26th [Individual Auditions In-Class]

Auditions are challenging for both students and teachers alike. The purpose of auditions is to place students in ensembles that are appropriate for their current skill level. As the program continues to grow and we continue to attempt increasingly challenging music, this differentiation is vital. We will prepare for auditions in class after the concert. Students are evaluated on musical literacy, vocal technique, vocal characteristics, and work ethic. I will record each individual audition and carefully assess to see what level is best suited for each individual.

Wednesday, May 31st [Lightridge Singers Callback Audition at 4:30 PM]

Some students might receive a callback audition for Lightridge Singers. This audition will be a group audition and students will have about a day to prepare. Not all students who receive a callback will be selected for this ensemble - the callback invitation is equivalent to a “pat on the back - keep up the great work - Ms. Karim needs to see more from you in order to make a decision.” Students in this audition will be evaluated on musical literacy, vocal balance and blend, preparation, and vocal characteristics.

The image above showcases the progression that Lightridge Chorus offers. Students will progressively move up levels. All freshmen will enter through either Bass Chorus or Treble Chorus. Students are guaranteed to move up at least one level through their time in Lightridge Chorus if they are in the program for three or more years. Sequential electives are an important part of a student’s transcript for college admissions.

Whew! May will be action-packed but very worth the reward. We are almost at the finish line! I know its a crazy time with many SOLs and AP Exams. Summer is near!


Helai Karim

March [Assessment Information] - 2023

Hello Lightridge Chorus Families -

Assessment Season is here! Your students have worked diligently for Loudoun County Choral Assessment. March will be the busiest month for Lightridge Chorus - and we thank you for all of your support leading up to the biggest performance of the year!

What is Choral Assessment? Assessment is an event where Lightridge Chorus will join the rest of Loudoun County Chorus Departments and perform for a panel of judges. The judges will rate our groups on our musicianship and literacy. This educational experience helps us grow as a department, and gives us feedback on how to improve. This event is comparable to SOLs. Here are the details:

Assessment Rehearsals

Tuesday, March 7th at 4:15 PM at Lightridge HS

Select Treble Chorus

Treble Chorus

Bass Chorus

Select Bass Chorus

Assessment Performances

Wednesday, March 8th at 7:00 PM at Lightridge HS

Lightridge Pre-Assessment Concert

Pre-Assessment concerts are for a final practice before Assessment. Students are to report to the Lightridge Auditorium at 6:15 PM. If they have no ride they are welcome to stay after school. IF they are staying after school they must have their uniform to change into. The concert starts at 7:00 PM and will be about an hour and a half long. We will be joined by Willard Chorus students for this event.

Friday, March 17th at Dominion HS

Loudoun County Choral Assessment

The ensembles timeframes are listed below. Ms. Karim will take the first bus with Bass Chorus and Select Bass Chorus to head to Dominion HS first. The second round of buses will have Select Treble Chorus and Treble Chorus on it. The third and final round will have Lightridge Singers on it. Ms. Karim will need at least four chaperones [parents of kids from different ensembles] to volunteer riding the bus to and from since I will be conducting the ensembles back to back and cannot be at four places at the same time. Students who can drive themselves are allowed to meet us at Dominion HS but they MUST be at the school at least thirty minutes in advance - I cannot afford to have a heart attack with students arriving late to assessment.

Treble Chorus

[8:15 PM PM Warm-Up] [8:30 PM Performance] [8:45 PM Sight-Singing]

Bass Chorus

[6:45 PM Warm-Up] [7:00 PM Performance] [7:15 PM Sight-Singing]

Select Treble Chorus

[7:30 PM Warm-Up] [7:45 PM Performance] [8:00 PM Sight-Singing]

Select Bass Chorus

[6:00 PM Warm-Up] [6:15 PM Performance] [6:30 PM Sight-Singing]

Lightridge Singers

[8:45 PM Warm-Up] [9:00 PM Performance] [9:15 PM Sight-Singing]

Assessment Parent Action Items

Field Trip Permission Slip Forms are due on Friday, March 10th.

This form is necessary for your students to have permission to ride the school bus with us to Choral Assessment and attend the event. Please have this filled out and turned in as soon as possible.



due on Thursday, March 16th

We need these students to bring all of their items on a hanger with their name on it for us to check in advance before assessment! These two ensembles are the only two that are due early since they will be changing at the end of the school day and cannot go home first.

A separate newsletter will share information regarding the New York City Trip and our upcoming Chorus Parent Boosters Meeting on Wednesday, March 1st at 7:00 PM in the Chorus Room. Please ensure that you are reading these messages as the month of March is busy!


Helai Karim

February - 2023

Hello Lightridge Chorus Families -

This newsletter will share information regarding 8th Grade Night, the NYC Spring Trip, All-District Chorus, and the upcoming Chorus Boosters meeting.

8th Grade Night

Lightridge Chorus students will be singing the National Anthem with 8th Grade Willard Chorus students on Friday, February 3rd for the White Out Basketball Game. This serves as one honors credit point for students who are in Honors Chorus. Please wear your WHITE Lightridge Chorus t-shirt for the event since it is a white-out.

Event Timeline

5:00 PM - Pizza in Chorus Room w/ 8th Grade Students

5:45 PM - Rehearse National Anthem

6:15 PM - Perform Nation Anthem at Basketball Game

Chorus Boosters Meeting

We will have a general meeting with members of the Lightridge Chorus Boosters on Wednesday, February 1st at 7:00 PM in the Chorus Room. All parents are encouraged to attend! We will be discussing senior scholarships, fundraisers, senior night, etc. If you are not yet a member, we’d love for you to attend and gain more information about membership!

Spring Chorus Trip - NYC

The final payment for our Spring Trip to New York City will be $300. This final payment is due on Tuesday, February 14th. Here is the link for the final payment.

A mandatory meeting for all students attending will be on Wednesday, March 22nd at 7:00 PM in the chorus room. All students who are attending must have one parent attend the meeting.

All-District Chorus Information


District Chorus is on Thursday February 9th - Saturday February 11th at Briar Woods HS

Thursday will be the first rehearsal at Briar Woods HS from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM. All-State auditions will happen during this time as well. There will be no transportation provided for Thursday.

Friday we will have a bus depart from Lightridge HS around 9:30 AM and drop us back off at Lightridge HS around 5:30 PM.

Saturday will not have provided transportation. Please arrive at Briar Woods HS at 8:30 AM in your concert black attire. The high school concert will start at 3:15 PM.


Thursday please wear whatever of your choosing to the sectional rehearsals. Bring a water bottle, music, pencil and snacks.

Friday please wear your white Lightriddge Chorus t-shirt with any pants of your choosing. Bring a water bottle, music, pencil and bagged lunch. There will be concessions.

Saturday please wear concert black. Bring a water bottle, black mask, music, pencil and pizza money [$2 a slice - bring pizza money to Ms. Karim - she already paid for it ahead of time].


Here is the schedule for the two days including specific rehearsal times.


  • black long top [at least 3/4 sleeve]

  • black dress pants or floor-length black dress

  • black socks or black tights

  • black dress shoes or black flats

  • black belt [if needed]

Please note that your concert attire should be professional. No jeans, leggings, sneakers, sweatshirts, etc.


The concert is being professionally recorded and once the recordings are ready they will be distributed by using a YouTube link.


Anyone and everyone! The concert is free to the public. The middle school concert begins at 1:45 PM. The high school concert begins at 3:15 PM.

All-State Audition Information


THIS AUDITION IS IN PERSON at Briar Woods HS. Please arrive at the school at 6:15. Check the schedule for your specific time. It is a BLIND audition so you don't need to dress nice. They can't see you. Make sure you have your music and water.


Whither Must I Wander - same as for District Auditions. There is also a sight-singing example. It will be similar to a level 2.5 that we work on in class. Resources for this on Sight Reading Factory.


YES - I need ALL auditionees to set up a time with Ms. Karim the rehearse for feedback prior to the audition. Reach out to her via Remind to schedule a time.


States will be occurring in Richmond VA from April 27th - 29th. Hotel accommodations and more information regarding rehearsal locations will be available shortly after auditions. These expenses will be at the cost of the student who is admitted into the ensemble. Ensure that availability for that weekend.

January - 2023

Lightridge Chorus -

Happy New Year! We have jumped right into our assessment music in all ensembles this week and we are making quick progress! This newsletter will share information regarding second quarter grades, Course Selections, the New York City Spring Trip 2nd Payment, the Lightridge Singers Assessment Clinic, and Chorus Boosters. Here is a link to our Winter Concert! Thank you to all of you who attended and for your support!

Second Quarter Grades

All grades are up to date at this time for Lightridge Chorus students. Students will be receiving a Major Summative Grade reflecting their cumulative Formal Formative Grades for Rehearsal Skills on the last day of the quarter. This grade will indicate the sum of all of the formative grades combined. Besides that final submission, everything is accurate and prepared for report cards. If you or your students have any concerns regarding their grades, please do not hesitate to reach out to me! There are still students with some missing assignments, please ensure that your students complete all work.

New York - Second Payment

The New York trip’s second payment is fast approaching. We have fulfilled our minimum number of students attending the trip so there will be no extra fee from the original anticipated amount! This is the link to submit the second payment: https://lcps.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/11155/371/False/True. The second payment is due on Friday, January 13th. Chaperones, you will be paying this second payment as well.

Assessment Clinic - Lightridge Singers

The Lightridge Singers will be participating in an assessment clinic on Sunday, January 29th from 4 PM - 7 PM. This clinic will include music educators from Northern Virginia who can specifically assist our singers with vocal technique as we prepare for our assessment season. This will serve as a Major Summative assessment for students in Lightridge Singers.

Course Selections

Course Selections for high school are fast approaching. As students continue on or are embarking on the beginning of high school, it is important to consider the benefits of performing arts elective.

  1. Music courses help students create diversity for their college applications. Creativity is valued in the college acceptance process. A sequential music elective also showcases long-term commitment, diligence, and responsibility. Students utilize these skills in all aspects of their lives. How will your students’ college applications differ from other students in Loudoun County?

  2. Employers hire creative team workers who stand out. The first question asked in many interviews is, “tell me about yourself?” Does the candidate showcase unique perspectives and skills that can benefit the company? Employers want candidates that are masters in their content knowledge, but also excel in skills like communication, listening, critical thinking, and problem-solving - all of which are taught in fine arts.

  3. Honors Music becomes an option for students in high school. The purpose of the honors music option is to challenge students to participate in a diverse spectrum of pre-approved musical activities to enrich their overall musical understanding and provide deeper learning. Successful completion of these requirements will result in an additional 0.5 credit for the chorus class your student is already in.

  4. Students are able to continue to be a school community. The continuation of growing musical skills will result in more performance opportunities, advanced courses, and new repertoire. As your child gets older, they will have more space in their schedule for additional electives closer to the end of their high school career. Their junior and senior year is a great time for their transcript to incorporate additional interests your student has. Please also consider your student completing a course through Virtual Loudoun during the school year for no cost.

If you or your student has any questions about this process - please do not hesitate to reach out to me!

Chorus Boosters

The Lightridge Chorus Boosters is diligently working to support the Chorus program. Thank you so much to those of you who have signed up to be a member and to those of you who have donated the the program as a whole. Here are some items that we are looking for donations to go towards:

  • clinicians from universities and prestigious high schools

  • annual senior scholarships

  • recording equipment + sound equipment

  • fees for auxiliary instrumentation [percussionists, strings players, etc.]

  • fees for auxiliary staff [lights + sound for concerts, etc.]

To make a general donation to Lightridge Chorus, please click on this link.

To become a Booster Member, please click on this link or this link if you would like to be a member and get a Lightridge Chorus car decal as well!


Helai Karim

December - 2022

Hello Lightridge Chorus Families, 

Happy Holidays! Your students are excited to share their Winter Concert music and are working hard to perfect their music as we gear up for concert season. It will be a busy season leading up to our performances for you all - so here are some updates and reminders:

Lightridge Singers [Caroling]

Saturday december 3rd [4:30 PM - 6:00 PM]

Lightridge Singers will be singing at the tree lighting for the Westridge Community winter celebration on Saturday, December 3rd. This event is highly encouraged for students who are in the Lightridge Singers ensemble. We have committed to this event and are looking to ensure as many of the ensembles members to attend as possible! The address for the event is 25185 Chaffee Cir, Aldie, VA 20105.

Winter Concert [Rehearsal]

Monday December 5th [4:15 PM - 6:30 PM]

ALL chorus students will be staying after school on Monday, December 5th, for our final rehearsal before our concert. This rehearsal is mandatory for all students. This will be a combined rehearsal with Willard chorus students. It is vital that all students are in attendance so we can run logistics for smooth transitions. Please be prepared to pick up your student from this rehearsal.

Winter Concert

Tuesday december 6th [7:00 PM]

  • 6:00 PM - students meet in the auditorium for call time

  • chorus uniform - black dress or black suit that was sent home with black socks or tights and black flats or black dress shoes

  • holiday accessories - encouraged for all students to wear throughout the concert

  • students must stay for the duration of the concert

Lightridge Singers [School Board Performance]

Tuesday December 13th [6:30 PM - 6:45 PM]

Lightridge Singers has been invited to sing for the School Board at their December 13th meeting. We will depart from Lightridge at 5:30 PM and return around 7:00 PM.


The information for our spring trip to New York City is finally here! There are many steps to get trips approved and we appreciate your patience. We have a quick deadline for our commitment to the trip and first payment. Here are some overall questions we want to answer to start off: 

  • When is the trip? The dates of the trip will be from Wednesday, March 29th - Saturday, April 1st. Saturday is the first day of Spring Break. Please check to make sure that you cross-reference sports schedules and other schedules prior to registering.

  • How much will the trip cost?

[Monday, December 5th: $200 Deposit]

[Wednesday, January 18th: $600 2nd Payment]

[Wednesday February 15th: estimated $200 final payment]

Please note that the final payment is determined based on the number of students and chaperones who attend the trip. We need 10 - 15 chaperones to attend the trip and 90 students to keep our price to at $1,082 total per person. Chaperones potentially can have a discounted price IF I can gather the number that I need. It is VITAL that we have the chaperones we are needing to ensure the safety of students and keep our ratio small.

  • How many chaperones will be on the trip? What is the ratio? See above. I am looking for a 6-7 students per chaperone ratio.

  • What is the schedule for the trip? There is an attached schedule to the email sent out to families through ParentVUE.

  • This is expensive … why? Yes, trips are expensive! The hotel is in Times Square to ensure the highest level of safety for students. Our bus company is also one of the best rated in the NoVA area. These items are the most expensive, and are vital in creating a piece of mind. Its also for 3 nights.

  • How will I know that my child is safe on the trip? We will have a mandatory student-parent meeting prior to the trip to go over rules and regulations for our trip. Safety is the top priority and we will make sure we do everything we can to keep your student safe. Please reach out to me if you have specific questions regarding this. The travel company we are working with has had many successful trips with different LCPS programs.

  • Is this trip mandatory? This trip is not mandatory, however, trips like this make a huge difference in a student's experience in Lightridge Chorus. We have not attended a trip together as a program since the school's opening. Lightridge Singers attended a trip to James Madison University's Choral Fest in the fall and the experience was vital for their success this year as an ensemble.

  • Will there be fundraising opportunities? Once we have all of the students and chaperones registered, I will begin the process of creating fundraising opportunities to lessen the cost of the trip with the help of our Lightridge Chorus Boosters.

Trip Registration Information

  • REGISTER THROUGH THE KALEIDESCOPE WEBSITE: https://www.wetravel.com/trips/-51860504. Use the discount code REGISTRATION424 online so there is no balance. Payments need to be submitted to Lightridge HS directly at https://lcps.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/9764/371/False/True. The deadline for enrollment and payment is Monday, December 6th at 6:00 pm EST. Since we are working with a travel company, late payments and enrollments will not be accepted.

  • TUTORIAL FOR HOW TO REGISTER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC8CZAxjpME. Make sure you register for chaperones as well.

  • It is important that all travelers register on the website, as this replaces our paper forms required for liability purposes, cancellation policy acknowledgements, emergency contact information, and allergy information.

  • Travel Protection is an optional extra charge individuals can sign up for on the registration site. This amount SHOULD be paid through the site.

As always, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions! I look forward to this incredible opportunity and I know it will make such a difference in your student's high school experience! 


Helai Karim