Hello, Lightridge Chorus Families -
It has meant so much to hear harmonies in person these past weeks with the addition of hybrid to our year. It has instilled a new sense of motivation in me and I owe it to the energy your students have brought into the building. I wanted to share some updates and share the accomplishments that have been achieved thus far!
Please keep updated through Lightridge Chorus social media! The links are below.
Hybrid Learning - Distance Learning
Information was just released that starting April 20th, students that have currently selected the hybrid model will be moving to four days a week for instruction in their schools. Students who are currently in the distance model will continue in that choice. These steps Loudoun is taking have me hopeful that the following year will be where we start to truly establish Lightridge Chorus with countless opportunities through performances, leadership, and service.
Hybrid Students -
We have started this process and I have quickly found myself back in the rhythm of the model of instruction I used prior to the pandemic. It has truly brought me joy! Students are able to see students that are at home projected on our board and can interact with them through microphones we have stationed throughout the classroom.
Loudoun County Public Schools has worked closely with health professionals to determine the guidelines for music classes. Extensive research has been done throughout the world in regards to playing instruments and singing indoors. Here are the guidelines created:
8 - 10 Feet Distance: our classrooms are much bigger than other classrooms and can comfortably accommodate this extra distance.
Mandatory Masks: students will be wearing masks at all times, whether we are singing or not.
Distance Students -
Students at home are able to see the students in class through a classroom camera and can interact with them through microphones we have stationed throughout the classroom. Classes, where students have cameras on at home, are able to truly soak in the content being taught. Classes, where students do not have cameras on at home, struggle to build a cohesive environment and focus on the content being taught.
I am grateful to have met almost all of my students in person and have been able to maintain relationships with them regardless of the extent of their online presence. My hope is that they are engaged. I cannot wait for the day that we are all able to be together in the classroom and that I am able to showcase the true potential of high school choral opportunities and how they can enrich a person’s life.
This photo is with students from 4th Block Women’s Chorus - they are the winners of showcasing the potential this concurrent model has.
3rd Quarter Grades
Below is a calendar of the final assessments students have for this quarter. They are submitting final recordings and have prepared for this for the past month and a half. These recordings can be done all in one session or can be done all on the first day they have chorus class that week depending on their comfort level.
Students can either record at home or at school regardless of their status as a hybrid or distance student.
Recording at Home: Please ensure that your student has headphones that have microphone capability in order to record their final assessment for the quarter. The quality of the recording is important. Students are aware of the tricks available for recording without fuzzy background noise or errors with submission. Please provide your student with about thirty minutes of privacy and space to record comfortably.
Recording at School: Students who are distance learners also have an option to come in and use our professional recording equipment for their upcoming Major Summative Recordings in a more comfortable setting. Here is the link for signing up for a studio slot.
During the first semester, students spent time perfecting their recordings for our first virtual performance, Connected. Please share our first virtual accomplishment! We are currently working on our spring virtual showcase and cannot wait to share the music we are making with you!
District Chorus
Congratulations to the Lightridge Chorus students who were accepted into District Chorus this year! We are awaiting State Chorus results and will be sharing those soon.
This year has been challenging to say the least. Your students have been resilient and I know you as families have been too. Thank you for all you do and the support you give. Know that I am always here to listen and to do what I can to remain an active part of your students high school experience. I cannot wait for us to all experience music through concerts again. Soon!
Socially Distant,
Helai Karim